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QuickBooks Error 6190
And 816

QuickBooks is a widely used accounting software that helps businesses manage their financial data efficiently. However, like any software, QuickBooks has its challenges. QuickBooks Error 6190 and 816 are some of the common errors users encounter. This error typically occurs when a user attempts to open a company file used by another user. This guide will discuss QuickBooks Error 6190 and 816, their causes, and, most importantly, how to troubleshoot and resolve them.

Understanding QuickBooks Error 6190 and 816

QuickBooks Error 6190 and 816 is a multi-user error that occurs when multiple users try to access the same company file simultaneously. It’s part of the -6000 series errors in QuickBooks and is generally followed by a message that says, “QuickBooks was unable to open the file [file name] on the host computer.”

The error can be identified by the following messages:

  1. Error 6190: “QuickBooks Error 6190, -816: QuickBooks was unable to open the file [filename] on the host computer.”
  2. Error 816: “QuickBooks was unable to open the file [filename] on the host computer.”

Causes of QuickBooks Error 6190 and 816

QuickBooks Error 6190 and 816 is a vexing issue that can disrupt your accounting processes. Understanding the underlying causes of this error is the first step towards effective troubleshooting. Below, we will explore the primary factors that lead to QuickBooks Error 6190 and 816:

  1. Multiple Users Accessing the Company File:One of the most common causes of Error 6190 and 816 is when multiple users attempt to access the same QuickBooks company file simultaneously. QuickBooks is designed for multi-user access, but it’s crucial to ensure that only one user is making changes to the company file at any given time. When concurrent access occurs, conflicts can arise, triggering this error.
  2. Mismatched Transaction Log File (.tlg) and Company File (.qbw):QuickBooks relies on two types of files for data management: the company file (.qbw) and the transaction log file (.tlg). These files should always be in sync. However, a mismatch can sometimes occur for various reasons, including data transfer issues or interruptions. When the transaction log file doesn’t match the company file, QuickBooks Errors 6190 and 816 may occur.
  3. Corrupted Company File:A corrupted QuickBooks company file can be a significant headache. Data corruption can happen due to various factors, such as sudden power outages, hardware malfunctions, or issues during data transfer. When your company file is damaged or corrupted, it can lead to various errors, including Error 6190 and 816.
  4. Network Issues:QuickBooks relies heavily on network connectivity for multi-user access. Network problems, such as an unstable connection or slow speed, can trigger Errors 6190 and 816. Network interruptions can result in QuickBooks being unable to establish proper communication between the server and client computers.
  5. Incorrect Hosting Settings:The hosting settings must be configured correctly in a multi-user environment. QuickBooks Database Server Manager manages the company file, and if it’s not configured correctly, it can result in multi-user mode errors like Error 6190 and 816. Hosting should be turned on only on the server computer and off on workstations.

These causes are not exclusive, and the error may arise from a combination of these factors. When dealing with QuickBooks Error 6190 and 816, it’s essential to consider these potential issues and take a systematic approach to resolve the error. In the following sections of this guide, we will discuss practical steps to troubleshoot and address this error, allowing you to regain control of your financial management processes and ensure the uninterrupted functioning of your QuickBooks software.

Troubleshooting QuickBooks Error 6190 and 816

QuickBooks Error 6190 and 816 can be a frustrating roadblock in your accounting processes, but it’s manageable. With the proper troubleshooting steps and a systematic approach, you can resolve this issue and get your QuickBooks back on track. Here’s a detailed guide on how to troubleshoot QuickBooks Error 6190 and 816:

  1. Single User Mode:

Before delving into more complex troubleshooting steps, ensure that only one user is trying to access the company file. This error often occurs when multiple users attempt to access the same file simultaneously. Establishing clear communication among your team is essential to avoid such conflicts.

  1. Verify Company File Mismatch:

Check if there’s a mismatch between the company file (.qbw) and the transaction log file (.tlg). To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Open the folder where your QuickBooks company file is stored. b. Locate the company file with the extension .qbw. c. Find the transaction log file with the extension .tlg. d. Ensure that the file names are identical except for the file extensions. For example, if your company file is named “MyCompany.qbw,” the transaction log should be “MyCompany. tag.”

If you find any discrepancies, you can try to rename the .tlg file and add “.old” to the end of it. For instance, “MyCompany.tlg.old.”

  1. Copy the Company File Locally:

To determine whether the issue is related to network problems or the file itself, copy the company file from the server to your local computer and try opening it. This step can help you identify if network issues are causing the error. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Locate the QuickBooks company file on the server. b. Copy the file to your local computer’s desktop or a location of your choice. c. Try opening the copied file on your local computer. If it opens without any issues, network-related problems may cause the error.
  2. Use QuickBooks File Doctor:

QuickBooks provides a free tool called QuickBooks File Doctor, designed to diagnose and repair various company file issues, including Error 6190 and 816. Here’s how to use it:

  1. Download and install QuickBooks File Doctor from the official Intuit website. b. Run the tool and follow the on-screen instructions. c. Select the company file you want to diagnose and repair. d. The tool will scan and attempt to repair any issues it identifies.
  2. Restart the Computer:

A simple computer restart can sometimes resolve errors like QuickBooks Error 6190 and 816. A reboot can refresh your system and eliminate any temporary glitches that might be causing the error.

  1. Check Hosting Settings:

In a multi-user setup, ensuring that your QuickBooks Database Server Manager is correctly configured is crucial. Incorrect hosting settings can lead to multi-user mode errors. Here’s what you should do:

  1. Open QuickBooks on the server computer. b. Go to the “File” menu and select “Utilities.” c. If you see an option that says “Stop Hosting Multi-User Access,” click it to turn off hosting. d. If it says “Host Multi-User Access,” do not change it. The server computer should host multi-user access, and workstations should not host.
  2. Recreate Damaged Company File:

If you’ve determined that your company file is damaged, you may need to create a new one. Here’s how:

  1. Open QuickBooks and go to the “File” menu. b. Select “New Company” and follow the prompts to create a new company file. c. Import your lists, templates, and data from the damaged company file into the new one.
  2. Contact QuickBooks Support:

If none of the above steps resolve the issue, and QuickBooks Error 6190 and 816 persists, it’s advisable to seek help from QuickBooks support. They can provide specialized guidance and assistance in tackling this error, which might involve more complex issues or situations specific to your system.

Preventing QuickBooks Error 6190 and 816

QuickBooks Error 6190 and 816 can significantly disrupt your accounting workflow. While troubleshooting is essential, it’s equally important to implement preventive measures to minimize the chances of encountering these errors in the first place. Here are some steps you can take to prevent QuickBooks Error 6190 and 816:

  1. User Training and Communication:Educate all users on proper multi-user mode practices. Emphasize that only one user should access and change the company file simultaneously. Clear communication and understanding among your team members can go a long way in preventing conflicts.
  2. Regular Backups:Set up a consistent backup schedule for your company file. Regular backups ensure you have recent, reliable copies of your data in case of file corruption or errors. QuickBooks allows you to automate backups, making it an easy and effective preventive measure.
  3. Network Stability:Maintain a stable and high-speed network connection. Network issues like intermittent connectivity or slow speeds can lead to QuickBooks errors. Regularly check your network infrastructure and promptly address problems to ensure uninterrupted communication between QuickBooks and its users.
  4. Keep Software Updated:Ensure that all users are using the same version of QuickBooks, and keep the Software updated to the latest release. Updates often include bug fixes and improvements to resolve known issues and enhance the Software’s stability. Keeping everyone on the same version also reduces compatibility issues.
  5. Security Settings:Implement robust security settings within QuickBooks. Control who has access to your company file and their access level. Only authorized users should have full access to the file, while others should be restricted to their specific roles. Restricting user access minimizes the risk of unauthorized changes leading to errors.
  6. User Permissions:In a multi-user environment, defining user roles and permissions accurately is crucial. QuickBooks allows you to customize access rights, granting specific permissions to each user based on their responsibilities. Assigning the correct permissions ensures that users can only perform authorised actions, reducing the likelihood of accidental conflicts.
  7. Regular Maintenance:Schedule regular maintenance of your QuickBooks environment. This includes cleaning up outdated records, optimizing the database, and ensuring that your server and workstations are in good working condition. Regular maintenance can help prevent issues leading to QuickBooks Error 6190 and 816.
  8. QuickBooks Database Server Manager Configuration:If using a multi-user setup, ensure that QuickBooks Database Server Manager is appropriately configured. The server computer should be set to host multi-user access, while workstations should not host. Correct configuration helps maintain the integrity of your company file.

In Conclusion

QuickBooks Error 6190 and 816 can be frustrating, but with the proper troubleshooting steps and preventive measures, you can resolve the issue and minimize the chances of it occurring. Remember to follow these steps carefully and, when in doubt, seek help from QuickBooks support to ensure the smooth operation of your financial management software.