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QuickBooks Web Connector Error Qbwc1085
Or Exception Type error

Error QBWC1085 is a common issue encountered by users of QuickBooks Web Connector. This error typically indicates an issue with the application, the password, or the file location. Various factors can cause it, and understanding its context can help troubleshoot and resolve the problem effectively.

What is QuickBooks Web Connector?

QuickBooks Web Connector (QBWC) is a tool that allows web-based programs to integrate with QuickBooks Desktop. It facilitates secure communication between web-based applications and QuickBooks Desktop via a SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) server. However, errors like QBWC1085 can arise, hindering the smooth interaction between the applications.

Symptoms of QuickBooks Web Connector Error Qbwc1085

QuickBooks Web Connector Error QBWC1085 can manifest through various symptoms that indicate an issue with integrating QuickBooks Desktop and the web-based application. Understanding these symptoms is crucial for diagnosing and addressing the problem. Here are some common symptoms associated with QBWC1085:

  1. Error Message Pop-up: Users may encounter a pop-up error message containing the QBWC1085 code, which is a clear indicator of the issue. QBWC1085: QuickBooks was unable to write to the log file. QuickBooks will open without writing to log files. 
  2. Failed Connection: The Web Connector may fail to connect with QuickBooks Desktop, preventing data synchronization between the web application and QuickBooks.
  3. Incomplete Data Transfer: If the Web Connector encounters QBWC1085, it may not transfer data or transactions accurately, leading to incomplete or missing information in QuickBooks.
  4. Web Connector Not Starting: QBWC1085 can prevent the QuickBooks Web Connector from starting or running correctly. Users may not be able to initiate the connector, leading to a disrupted workflow.
  5. Authentication Errors: This error can result in authentication problems, such as incorrect or expired passwords, preventing the web application from accessing QuickBooks data.
  6. Performance Issues: QBWC1085 may cause QuickBooks and the web application to run slowly or become unresponsive due to failed communication attempts.
  7. Web Connector Log Issues: The Web Connector log files might need to be updated correctly, making it challenging to track and diagnose issues effectively.
  8. Conflict with Security Software: Users might experience conflicts with firewall or security software, causing the Web Connector to be blocked from communicating with QuickBooks.
  9. Unexpected Crashes: The Web Connector or QuickBooks Desktop may crash unexpectedly when QBWC1085 is present, disrupting the workflow.
  10. Repeated Errors: If the error is not resolved, it may persistently recur each time the Web Connector is run, making it a consistent issue.
  11. Limited Functionality: Users may notice that some features or functions of the web application that rely on QuickBooks data must be fixed as expected.

These symptoms indicate that there is a breakdown in the communication between QuickBooks Desktop and the web-based application. Identifying and addressing the underlying cause of QBWC1085 is essential to restore seamless integration and data synchronization. Depending on the specific scenario, the troubleshooting steps mentioned in the previous response can be used to diagnose and resolve the issue effectively.

Common Causes of QBWC1085 Error

QuickBooks Web Connector Error QBWC1085 is a persistent issue that can disrupt the smooth operation of QuickBooks Desktop and its connected web applications. This error typically occurs when the Web Connector cannot write to its log file, causing QuickBooks to open without logging the transaction. Understanding the common causes of QBWC1085 is crucial for effective troubleshooting and resolution. Here are some of the most frequent reasons behind this error:

  1. Log File Access Issues: QBWC1085 often stems from problems related to the Web Connector’s log file. This can occur when the log file is inaccessible due to permission restrictions, file corruption, or damage. The error message indicates that QuickBooks cannot write to the log file, essential for tracking the communication between QuickBooks and the web application.
  2. Permission and User Account Control (UAC) Settings: User Account Control settings in Windows can affect the Web Connector’s ability to access QuickBooks and the log file. If the UAC settings are too restrictive, it can prevent the necessary communication between QuickBooks and the Web Connector.
  3. Damaged or Corrupt QuickBooks Company File: Errors within the QuickBooks company file, such as data corruption or damage, can lead to QBWC1085. When QuickBooks cannot access the company file, it disrupts the communication process with the Web Connector.
  4. Authentication Problems: QBWC1085 can also result from authentication issues. Incorrect or outdated login credentials for the QuickBooks company file can lead to a failure to connect the Web Connector to QuickBooks.
  5. Web Connector Configuration Problems: Incorrect settings or configurations within the Web Connector can cause the error. This may include issues related to the web service URL, the QWC (QuickBooks Web Connector) file, or other settings necessary for integration.
  6. Conflict with Security Software: An overprotective firewall or security software on the computer where QuickBooks is installed can block the communication between QuickBooks and the Web Connector. This can result in QBWC1085.
  7. QuickBooks Desktop Updates: Sometimes, an update in QuickBooks Desktop may need to be fully compatible with the version of the Web Connector you are using. This can lead to issues, including QBWC1085, and may require updates or patches from the Web Connector’s provider.
  8. Log File Location and Accessibility: The location of the log file used by the Web Connector is crucial. If the log file is stored in a directory with insufficient permissions, it can lead to QBWC1085.
  9. Incompatible or Outdated Web Connector: Using an outdated or incompatible version of the Web Connector can result in errors, including QBWC1085. It’s essential to keep the Web Connector software up to date to ensure compatibility with QuickBooks.

Understanding these common causes of QBWC1085 error is the first step in diagnosing and resolving the issue effectively. By addressing these root causes, users can work towards a stable and error-free integration between QuickBooks Desktop and web-based applications.

Troubleshooting Steps to Resolve QBWC1085 Error

  1. Ensure QuickBooks and Web Connector are Updated:
  • Confirm that both QuickBooks Desktop and the Web Connector are running the latest updates.
  1. Review Web Connector Log Files:
  • Check the Web Connector log files for more detailed error messages. These can be found in various locations depending on your system.
  1. Check Company File Access:
  • Ensure the QuickBooks company file is accessible and not in use by another application or QuickBooks itself.
  1. Reset Web Connector Password:
  • If the issue is related to an authentication problem, reset the password within QuickBooks and update the Web Connector with the new credentials.
  1. Adjust UAC Settings:
  • Modify the User Account Control settings to allow QuickBooks Web Connector to run without restrictions.
  1. Firewall and Security Software:
  • Configure firewall or security software settings to allow QuickBooks and Web Connector communication.
  1. Recreate the QWC File:
  • Recreate the.QWC (QuickBooks Web Connector) file if it’s corrupted or malfunctioning.
  1. Repair QuickBooks Installation:
  • If the issue persists, consider repairing the QuickBooks installation through the Control Panel or Apps & Features (Windows).
  1. Consult QuickBooks Support or a Professional:
  • If none of the above steps resolve the issue, seek assistance from QuickBooks support or a professional IT consultant.

Prevention of QuickBooks Web Connector Error Qbwc1085

Preventing QuickBooks Web Connector Error QBWC1085 is essential to maintain smooth and uninterrupted integration between QuickBooks Desktop and web-based applications. While it’s not always possible to eliminate the risk of encountering this error, you can take several preventive measures to reduce the likelihood of it occurring. Here are some best practices to help prevent QBWC1085 errors:

Keep QuickBooks and Web Connector Updated:

Regularly update both QuickBooks Desktop and the QuickBooks Web Connector to ensure you use the latest versions with bug fixes and improvements.

Maintain a Healthy QuickBooks Company File:

Periodically verify and rebuild your QuickBooks company file to detect and repair any data issues or corruption.

Use Strong Passwords:

Ensure you have strong, unique passwords for your QuickBooks company file and the Web Connector. Regularly change passwords as a security measure.

Log Out of QuickBooks:

Always log out of QuickBooks Desktop when you are not actively using it, especially if you have multiple users or applications accessing the same company file.

Set Proper User Permissions:

Assign appropriate user permissions within QuickBooks to ensure that the Web Connector has the necessary access rights to perform its tasks.

Backup QuickBooks Data:

Regularly backup your QuickBooks company file to a secure location. This will help in case data is lost or corrupted.

Configure User Account Control (UAC):

Adjust your User Account Control (UAC) settings on Windows to allow QuickBooks and the Web Connector to run without restrictions.

Disable Overly Aggressive Security Software:

Ensure that any firewall or security software on your computer is configured to allow communication between QuickBooks and the Web Connector.

Test Before Deploying Updates:

Before implementing updates to QuickBooks or the web-based application, perform thorough testing in a non-production environment to ensure compatibility.

Monitor Web Connector Logs:

Regularly review Web Connector logs for any warnings or errors, even with no apparent issues. Early detection can prevent problems from escalating.

Implement Redundancy and Failover Systems:

If your business heavily relies on integration with QuickBooks, consider implementing redundancy and failover systems to minimize downtime in case of issues.

Keep System Hardware and Software Up to Date:

Ensure that your computer’s hardware and software are current, as outdated systems can contribute to errors and compatibility issues.

Consult with QuickBooks Experts:

If you are experiencing issues or have specific integration needs, consider consulting with QuickBooks experts or developers who can provide customized solutions and advice.

By following these preventive measures and maintaining good practices, you can significantly reduce the risk of encountering QuickBooks Web Connector Error QBWC1085. Regularly monitoring your integration, performing maintenance tasks, and staying up to date with software updates are critical to a stable and error-free QuickBooks integration.


Error QBWC1085 in QuickBooks Web Connector can be caused by multiple factors, ranging from issues with the application, company file, authentication, settings, or security software conflicts. Following the troubleshooting steps provided can help identify and resolve the issue, ensuring smooth communication between QuickBooks Desktop and the Web Connector. If problems persist, seeking expert guidance or support from QuickBooks can be beneficial in resolving this error.