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QuickBooks Pos Error 140014

QuickBooks Point of Sale (POS) is a powerful and widely used retail management software that empowers businesses to streamline their sales, inventory, and customer management processes. However, software, like any other technology, is prone to occasional errors and issues that can disrupt operations. One such issue is QuickBooks POS Error 140014, which can impede the software’s functionality and hinder access to crucial sales and inventory data. This comprehensive guide will delve into the intricacies of QuickBooks POS Error 140014, exploring its causes, symptoms, and practical solutions to resolve this error and ensure uninterrupted business operations.


QuickBooks Point of Sale (POS) Error 140014 can be attributed to several common causes that disrupt the software’s functionality. Understanding these causes is essential to diagnose and address the error effectively. Here are the primary factors contributing to QuickBooks POS Error 140014:

  1. Network Issues: Network-related problems are a prevalent cause of this error. Issues such as network outages, interruptions, or misconfigurations can disrupt the communication between QuickBooks POS and the server. When the software cannot establish a stable network connection, it can trigger Error 140014.
  2. Incorrect Server Settings: QuickBooks POS relies on accurate server settings. If the server information is outdated, incorrect, or has changed without corresponding updates in the software, it can lead to this error. Ensuring that the server settings are up-to-date and accurately configured is crucial.
  3. Data File Damage: Data file corruption or damage is another common culprit. Factors such as hardware failures, sudden power outages, or improper shutdowns can result in corrupted company data files. When QuickBooks POS encounters a damaged data file, it may trigger Error 140014, preventing access to vital information.
  4. Firewall and Security Software: Firewall and security software are designed to protect your system, but they can sometimes block QuickBooks POS from accessing the server or the internet. This is often a security measure intended to prevent unauthorized access. Misconfigurations or overly strict firewall or security software settings can inadvertently cause Error 140014 by hindering the software’s connectivity.


Identifying QuickBooks POS Error 140014 is essential in addressing the issue effectively. Symptoms of this error include receiving a specific error message indicating Error 140014, which can offer insights into the underlying problem. Additionally, you may be unable to access your company data, such as sales records, customer information, and inventory data, significantly impeding your business operations. The slow performance of QuickBooks POS is another telltale sign of this error, causing delays and unresponsiveness.


Fixing QuickBooks POS Error 140014 requires a systematic approach to address the underlying causes. Network issues, incorrect server settings, data file damage, or firewall and security software misconfigurations can cause this error. To resolve Error 140014 and get your QuickBooks POS back on track, follow these solutions:

  1. Check your Network Connectivity:

The first and most crucial step is to verify your network connectivity. Network issues are a common cause of Error 140014. Follow these steps to ensure that your network is functioning correctly:

  • Network Check: Examine your network to ensure no outages, interruptions, or misconfigurations. Confirm that all devices, including the computer hosting QuickBooks POS and the server, are correctly connected to the network.
  • Router and Modem Restart: Restart your router and modem. This can refresh the network connection and resolve temporary issues.
  • Network Adapter Reset: Disable and re-enable your computer’s network adapter. This simple step can reset the network connection and resolve minor connectivity issues.
  • Internet Access Test: To confirm that your network is working as expected, try accessing the internet using a web browser. This helps determine if the network issues are specific to QuickBooks POS.
  1. Verify Server Settings:

Incorrect server settings can lead to Error 140014. Ensure that your QuickBooks POS is correctly configured to communicate with the server. Here’s how to verify and update server settings:

  • Open QuickBooks POS and go to the “File” menu.
  • Select “Preferences” and then choose “Company.”
  • Review the server settings, including the server name and IP address. Please make sure they are accurate and up-to-date.
  • If necessary, update the server settings and save the changes.
  • Restart QuickBooks POS and check if the error is resolved.
  1. Repair the Company Data File:

Data file damage is another potential cause of Error 140014. To address this, consider running the QuickBooks File Doctor tool, which can automatically detect and repair data file issues. Follow these steps:

  • Create a backup of your company data to safeguard it during the repair process.
  • Close QuickBooks POS and ensure that no related processes are running.
  • Run the QuickBooks File Doctor tool. It will scan your company data file and identify any errors or damage.
  • Follow the tool’s prompts to repair the data file.
  • After the repair process, reopen QuickBooks POS and check if the error persists.
  1. Configure Firewall and Security Settings:

Firewall and security software can sometimes block QuickBooks POS from accessing the server or the internet due to security measures. It’s essential to configure these settings correctly:

  • Check your firewall and security software settings to ensure that QuickBooks POS is not blocked. Look for any rules or restrictions that might be affecting its access.
  • Add QuickBooks POS to your firewall and security software list of trusted applications or exceptions. This step ensures that the software is allowed to operate without interference.
  • Configure the firewall to permit communication between QuickBooks POS and the server. Adjust settings as needed to establish a smooth connection.
  • If you are uncertain how to configure these settings, consult your security software’s documentation or contact their support for guidance.

In addition to resolving QuickBooks POS Error 140014, it’s essential to implement preventive measures to minimize the chances of encountering the error in the future. Here are some tips:

  1. Regular Backups: Schedule regular backups of your company data. This practice can help prevent data file damage, ensuring you have a recent copy of your data in case of unexpected issues.
  2. Firewall and Security Software Settings: Review and update your firewall and security software settings. Ensure that QuickBooks POS is added to the list of trusted applications or exceptions to prevent disruptions.
  3. Keeping Software Up to Date: Stay current with software updates and patches. Updates often include bug fixes and improvements that can help prevent errors like 140014 from occurring.

Preventive measures

Implementing preventive measures is crucial to managing QuickBooks POS effectively and ensuring that you minimize the risk of encountering errors like QuickBooks POS Error 140014. Here are some key preventive measures to consider:

  1. Regular Backups:

Frequent and consistent corporate data backups are one of the most crucial protective actions. Data loss can be disastrous for a company, and maintaining up-to-date backups guarantees you can retrieve your information if a mistake, hardware failure, or other unanticipated incident happens. Plan frequent scheduled backups and store them in a safe place, offline or in a secure cloud storage service.

  1. Firewall and Security Software Settings:

Configure your firewall and security software settings to work harmoniously with QuickBooks POS. In many cases, errors like QuickBooks POS Error 140014 occur due to security software blocking essential connections. Ensure that QuickBooks POS is added to the list of trusted applications or exceptions within your security software, allowing it to operate without disruptions.

  1. Keeping Software Up-to-Date:

Update both your computer’s operating system and your QuickBooks POS software often. Software updates often include bug patches, security upgrades, and performance enhancements. You may lessen your chance of experiencing issues by maintaining the latest version of your program. Make careful you swiftly install updates after checking for them.

  1. Network Maintenance:

Proactively maintain your network infrastructure to minimize network-related errors. Regularly update and patch your network equipment, including routers, switches, and modems. Ensure your network is stable and secure, and promptly address any network interruptions. Regularly monitor your network’s performance and security to identify and resolve issues before they impact your QuickBooks POS system.

  1. Proper Shutdown and Backup Procedures:

Train your staff to follow proper shutdown and backup procedures when using QuickBooks POS. This includes ensuring they correctly exit the software, save their work, and back up data if necessary. Proper procedures can help prevent data corruption and related errors.

  1. User Training and Awareness:

Educate your team about the common errors and issues in QuickBooks POS. Make sure they understand the importance of following best practices and preventive measures. Training can help users recognize and address potential issues before they become more significant problems.

  1. System Health Checks:

Regularly perform system health checks to identify potential issues before they impact your operations. These checks may include reviewing event logs, monitoring system performance, and verifying the integrity of your data files.

  1. Technical Support and Maintenance Agreements:

Consider subscribing to technical support and maintenance agreements with QuickBooks POS or third-party service providers. These agreements can provide regular maintenance, updates, and technical assistance, ensuring your software remains in optimal working condition.



In conclusion, QuickBooks Point of Sale (POS) Error 140014 is a disruptive challenge that can impact businesses relying on this retail management software. This error typically stems from network connectivity, server settings, data file corruption, or firewall/security software issues. Successfully addressing this error requires a systematic approach, as outlined in this guide.

By understanding the causes and symptoms, businesses can take proactive measures to diagnose and rectify QuickBooks POS Error 140014. The recommended solutions, such as checking network connectivity, verifying server settings, repairing data files, and configuring security software, offer practical ways to resolve the issue and restore standard software functionality.

Moreover, preventive measures are essential to minimize the risk of encountering this error in the future. Regular data backups, proper firewall and security software configurations, keeping software up-to-date, maintaining network health, and user training can collectively contribute to a more stable and error-resistant QuickBooks POS system.

Ultimately, resolving and preventing QuickBooks POS Error 140014 ensures the uninterrupted flow of sales, inventory management, and customer data, which is vital to the success of any business. With the information and guidance provided in this guide, businesses can confidently tackle this error, maintaining their efficiency and profitability while relying on QuickBooks POS for their retail management needs.